Since the dissolution of Classic Mint Collectibles, LLC we are often asked where to buy the models produced by Classic Mint. One of the goals of this web site is to facilitate the connection of buyer and seller of Classic Mint Collectible brass 1/87 (HO) models.
Click on the eBay logo to the left to check for current listings of Classic Mint Collectibles brass models. |
One of the best people to contact is Dan Goins of Zycon Models. Dan often has models from estate or collection liquidations for sale on his Zycon Models site or eBay. Click on the Zycon Models logo to the left to check for current inventory of Classic Mint Collectibles brass models for sale on Dan's site. |
Keystone Construction Diecast acquired the remaining inventory when Classic Mint Collectibles, LLC dissolved. They have the last remaining new inventory we're aware of. Click on logo to left to check remaining availability. |
Last Updated:
November 4, 2013